Saturday, January 24, 2009

Republican Politico-Egotistical, Passive-Aggressive Obstructionism

Although President Obama is doing his best to work in a bipartisan fashion, many Republicans are doing their best to cause trouble. No matter what is proposed, they are opposed to the stimulus plan, saving homeowners, regulating banks, creating jobs, developing a health care system and rebuilding our infrastructure.

The same old, same old is uttered: "It's way too much government intervention." Well, duhhhh, who's gonna intervene now that the financial system is in the tank? But the Grand Ole Plunderers simply spew forth their opposition to "big government." It'll just lead to socialism, they say.

The whiners have also done all they could to slow down the confirmation of key Obama appointees: Hillary Clinton (State), Timothy Geithner (Treasury), Hilda Solis (Labor), and Eric Holder (Attorney General). They moan and groan and slow things down in committee. And then they give thumbs up in the Senate vote.

Some Republicans, like Mitch McConnell and Orrin Hatch understand both the politics and fiscal responsibility of the situation. They have swallowed hard and reluctantly supported the Obama appointees and legislation.

The biggest alligator-teared whiners are John Cronyn and John Boehner, who are trying to rally their troops, while simultaneously showing their hound-dogged mugs on the news every night.They cry and stamp their feet, "We will exercise our right as senators..." And, "Our children will be paying tomorrow for what we do today. We can not allow that to happen."

Let's face facts. Cronyn and Boehner don't care about our children or our future. For that matter, they don't care about today...

Both are all about ego - their own need to control - and their own political power. They only want to slow things down, throw a wrench in the works, and embarrass Obama, knowing that they could gain more political standing among conservatives by doing so.

Can you say "Passive aggressive"?

Definition: "Passive-aggressive behavior refers to passive, sometimes obstructionist resistance to following through with expectations in interpersonal or occupational situations. It can manifest itself as learned helplessness, procrastination, stubbornness, resentment, sullenness, or deliberate/repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible."

I am a high school teacher who has seen this behavior many times in my career. The Republicans are like a teenager who is dragging his heels, complaining about what's going on and becoming increasingly petulant. When you initially call him on his behavior, he feigns, "I don't know what you're talking about." All the while, he refuses to get involved and undermines any process for positive results.

Sometimes the teenager needs structure, he needs to know that there is someone else in charge. He needs to be told, "No, you will do it this way. We can work together, and I will listen to your concerns, but you will not disrupt the group. As teacher, I won't allow you to negatively impact what we're trying to accomplish as a group."

It's why Obama took control and said, "I won!" In so doing, he displayed his leadership for all to see, even if everyone does not totally agree with him on all points. It was the first of probably many times that he will exert his authority. After all, that's what is meant by the "bully pulpit."

America wants change. This is a fact that was demonstrated on November 4th. Although the term "mandate" is not often used today, let's admit it. There is an across-the-board mandate for change in our country. And it is our job, We The People's job, to hold our official accountable.

I wrote recently about Obama needing to be held accountable. In these times, however, Republicans especially need to be held accountable. The President, Democratic leadership, and We The People must tell Republicans: (1) They are not in charge; they are no longer the majority in Congress, (2) They will not control the outcome -- they screwed things up enough during their eight years. (3) They will not be allowed to embarrass our leaders. They've done a good enough job of that for themselves. and (4) They will not destroy what the American people have called for.

It is a new day for America, and there's no room for Republican politico-egotistical, passive-aggressive obstructionism. The sooner they understand that the quicker the change that we so desperately need will be brought to fruition.


  1. Grand ole poopies, classic :)

    A lot of it is just misunderstanding as well. I hate the "democrats want free health care and hand outs to lazy folks" argument, when in reality, Obama wants affordable access to health care. Where is the free in that idea? The rest of the Western world takes on the idea of "Those who can take care of those who cannot" and it is obvious to see how that has benefited other countries-- overall happier people, longer life spans, less health concerns, and less disparity between rich and poor. Funny, that so many people who are so "Christian" as they proclaim, are anything but when it comes to helping their fellow citizen. That is what makes me so sad.

    But, thank goodness Gitmo is closing!!!!!! I saw a whole program a year or two ago about an Australian college student who is trapped in there, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and his family cannot do anything to get him out. No trial, nothing. He is stuck there. That is a crime of humanity. And let's not even start on torture. ugh.

  2. Great comment, Meredith. You've made some important points that we all should heed. If you remember the name of that program, let me know!


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